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Triptorelin Peptide Vial 2mg

Triptorelin works by stimulating the pituitary gland continuously, thereby decreasing its secretion of gonadotropins such as luteinizing hormone. Research has suggested Triptorelin is used to enhance fertility in adults.

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Buy Triptorelin Vial 2mg Poland

This product is intended for research purposes only. To be used by trained professionals only.

Triptorelin peptide is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist that inhibits testosterone synthesis in men and oestrogen production in women. Additionally, it is a synthetic decapeptide analogue to LHRH (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone) [1].

Triptorelin peptide is typically used to suppress unprompted ovulation, which is a vital factor in vitro fertilization (IVF). Apart from releasing the FSH [2], the peptide also through studies and Poland clinical trials showed an increase in the release of an oocyte [3], which as a result increases the chances of pregnancy.

Poland Research has suggested when this peptide fuels the release of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Luteinising Hormone from the pituitary glands [4], studies have suggested it creates an increase in testosterone levels and sperm count in adult male or eggs in females.


[1] https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/compound/Triptorelin

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC3154964/

[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/ topics/medicine-and-dentistry/triptorelin

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ books/NBK548756/

Sequence: H-Pyr-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-D-Trp-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2

Molecular Formula: C64H82N18O13

Molecular Weight: 1311.4 g/mol

Storage: Lyophilized peptides to be stored below -18°C

Research use only. Not for human or animal consumption!

Triptorelin HPLC 2023 Certificates_DIRECT PEPTIDES










DISCLAIMER: These products are intended solely as a research chemical only. This classification allows for their use only for research development and laboratory studies. The information available on our Poland Direct Peptides website: https://poland.direct-peptides.com is provided for educational purposes only. These products are not for human or animal use or consumption in any manner. Handling of these products should be limited to suitably qualified professionals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such.

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